Welcome to my blog!
First off, I want to start by stating that this blog is not aimed at only older people, but at people of all ages, young and old. I try my best to explain things in such a way that both grandchildren and grannies can understand. Hence the name of this blog.
Secondly, this blog is also NOT aimed at techno-junkies and geeks, but at NORMAL people. People who don't always need to have the newest and greatest gadget, or the biggest and best toys. People who view the latest technology as a nice-to-have, and not an absolute necessity. This blog is intended to keep normal people up-to-date on all the thing-a-majigs that everyone else is raving about. I know a lot of people don't like change, but unfortunately there is no hiding from it, especially when it comes to technology. The best way to cope with it, however, is to face it head-on.
I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope to see you again soon!